Weather modification and geoengineering have been around since the 70s, or earlier. Geoengineeringwatch.org is the best place for info.

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Apr 15Liked by G Michael Vasey

Someone, back in 2010 ish pointed her finger to the sky showing me the ugly lines across the sky. I was in denial until there was no other explanation left but accept that something is amiss.

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Apr 15Liked by G Michael Vasey

A fellow conspiracy theorist & I would take a stroll around Beeston, Leeds (when our various running injuries prevailed). We often mused about the 'fancy handwriting in the sky' as Kev would put it, pointing skywards and laughing, in the hope others would notice. There is clearly some kind of additive at play. I have taken a magnet to the residue on my car, which appears to attract. I currently live near Mildenhall and get large 'tankers' fly over my place, between the rear wings are some kind of nozzles which I can make out given how low these things fly. Thursdays they are either inbound or outbound, shite weather follows within 36 hrs. As does the smoky white grey skies. I wonder about some kind of debris that augments the phone network the IOT /IOB. It is there to perhaps interfere with the human production of vitamin D along with the additives in sunscreen which taken in isolation are carcinogenic. I can put my tin foil hat away now!

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