So, I have caught yet another cold or flu bug from my school aged daughter. I do not do well with head colds - they wipe me out and stop me from functioning properly - brain goes dead basically. My father was the same I recall. I guess its what they call manflu right? But somehow, any sort of head cold or flu I find very hard to work through…. which, when self employed is not great. I wonder why I keep catching these colds and flus from my daughter. I eat home cooked and good food, I get fresh air and reasonable sleep yet apparently my immune system is susceptible to these annoying bugs. Certainly, I will not be taking any so-called vaccines tho…..
Meanwhile, I am once again watching an unfolding disaster - this time in Ireland after quite the storm - in which it seems green policies are now being exposed for the anti human agenda they really are. What happens when you live in an all electric home and there is no power for days on end in the winter? As Thomas Sheridan posted today on FB, it is worth prepping for such events. I live in a modern all power apartment. It’s great when all is working (although I much prefer gas to cook on versus the silly cook tops that require special pans and never seem to work properly….). When I moved in I did the following,
I bought a large capacity solar powered Power bank. This can power basic stuff including phones for many hours and can be recharged via solar power. I am planning on upgrading this shortly.
I bought a load of tinned and packaged dried foods and placed these in my storage in a large plastic box. I reckon I can survive for a couple of weeks or more on this if necessary.
I bought a gas heater/cooker and half a dozen gas canisters,
I bought many of those small candles - these can even provide some heat if you know what you are doing,
I have a lot of camping equipment already including flashlights - even ones that require no power - you basically wind them up. Survival bags, winter sleeping bags and even a waterproof bag cover
I also went to Amazon and purchased an emergency survival kit - it comes in its onw bag and includes almost every item you just might need from fish hooks, needles and medical things to survival bags.
I have a basic water filtration unit as well as a proper hiking version so that I can find water or gather rainwater and filter it. Even after filtering, it should be boiled. However, you can also do what our ancestors did - keep a keg of beer somewhere….. drinking water in the middle ages could be fatal, so they drank the beer.
Not only that but I own a VW Campervan with diesel heating, twin gas cooker and even a fridge powered all off of a rooftop solar.
I think everyone should be thinking about doing similar. You may laugh until you need this stuff even once and then you will thank me. One thing is for sure, in countries like the UK and Ireland, no one is coming to help you. They are too busy pandering to DEI and gender stuff or banning items that might help like gas cookers and heaters. And, in almost every recent sever event in the US and elsewhere in the west, the authorities with their woke lack of common sense have actually caused more carnage than there might have been. Many survivors of the Hawaii fires managed by wilfully DISOBEYING the Government.
You are on your own in this woke silly world. So best to plan and think. Buy this stuff and keep it maintained and handy.
Trust me - you may need it.
Special pans, mmm, that sounds like you do not have an electric hob but a newer version of tech which is bad for real food. Is it an induction hob? It creates a magnetic field of sorts, me thinks humbly although I am not a tech expert, but that great food is being destroyed by that new tech, me thinks. No micro for me and no induct any hob either. They can keep their 'new inventions so safe energy and sell it under the banner of 'the ceramics won't get hot' or some other slogan...
In any case you do not 'catch' anything as the body ALWAYS heals from the inside out so it is an inside job of your miraculous body to put you in bed to detox and heal. Yes the independent working people are stuck in a quagmire as you are not allowerd to be unwell, as unwell means no dough, so then things also do not they should. T'is difficult, I know that for sure. But you are in an area of the world where you have now been in the dark for months and depending on which lights you use, fyi: Dr. Alexander Wunsch, your body is craving real light and if it does not get enough it will go into energy saving mode until spring. A wintersleep so to speak, bears know what is good for you, you are a young lad ofcourse but they can also become unwell. fyi: Dr. Mathias Rath - The movement of life, Dr. Geerd Ryke Hamer. Gute Besserung, Grüß Gott!
Thanks for sharing the ideas on common-sense which our ancestors had a lot of, Grüß Gott.