Why subscribe to My Magical World?

All my life I have been fascinated with understanding what reality is. What am I? Why am I here? Those existential questions that seem to have no answer. I also grew up with ghosts and poltergeist so that I saw the world as broader and more mysterious than many of my school pals.

Interested in the natural world, I became a geologist gaining a Ph.D. in the process that also taught me how to conduct science and what science really is. I pursued magic reading anything I could get and eventually joining the Rosicrucians and then a school of esoteric sciences where I was made a second degree initiate and supervised students. I collected paranormal stories and spent time investigating phenomena like black eyed kids, living ghosts and poltergeist. Over decades, I have developed some ideas, theories and experienced many strange things. culminating in interactions with a shaman here in Brno and people on the edge of reality as I dowsed earth energy lines.

It all sounds a bit far fetched for most people, yet I have developed a view on the world, reality and our role in it and I use this newsletter to share that hopefully intriguing and perhaps even informative view with you.

Please do subscribe.

I am hoping to spend more time focused on these areas in the coming years and in particular, mapping major energy lines in Czechia but to do so, I need to find ways to fund my activities.

Please do consider helping me with a paid subscription!

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I will keep you up to date with my activities, books, meditations, thoughts and ideas. I'm hoping that I will engage with many of you in broad discussions as well.

Join the magical world of G. Michael Vasey

Be part of a community of people who share these interests and a curiosity in the world. People who still have their own minds and thoughts and reject much of the narrative increasingly pushed on us…

You can also follow my youtube channel and my audio podcasts if they interest you.

Many thanks,

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Subscribe to The Magical World of G. Michael Vasey

Myth, Paranormal, Magic, Dowsing, Reality, and more....


Gary is an author with notable contributions in the areas of the paranormal, metaphysics and magic, poetry, and business.