One day in and I am already reading and seeing vicious and vile hatred emanating from the far left and, would you believe, lots of women. Echoing the media lies and yes, those of Democrats, that are so odious and obviously untrue in many instances and threatening harm to themselves or others. Trump Derangement syndrome is real, alive and kicking. I didn’t see similar when the boot was on the other foot and in general, I have to say that the virtuous left seems eminently more inhuman in its way of talking down the opposition than those on the right.
But here is the thing that these poor people miss….
Hatred only causes one way damage and that is to the soul of the one doing the hating. These people are shrivelling their humanity - killing it - with their unwarranted hatred. It is they that will suffer both karmically and mentally for their hatred. Furthermore, many of these people have no skin in the game - they are not hurt by any common sense act by Trump or his administration in any real or meaningful way and those that are hurt are not losing their freedom or suffering physically - they are being told their views are not mainstream basically. By taking up this hatred when they are unwronged in any real substantive or physical manner, they are self-hexing themselves and will suffer for that.
Although I am human and very flawed there is one thing that I can say honestly and without any doubt whatsoever. I don’t hate anyone and never have. Yes, I disagree with some people and others I find distasteful but I do not hate them. I have been physically attacked and abused but while I was angry with the people doing that or with myself for just taking it, I did not and do not hate those who engaged in it. I can truly say I have never hated anyone - not even when I was refused entry to pubs, hairdressers, restaurants, cinemas and so on and had people suggest I be locked up and segregated and have my health coverage removed. I actually didn’t miss any of that and those who succumbed to that inhumanity are the ones who suffer and will suffer for it.
The fact that so many women are tarred with this anti-Trump derangement troubles me for I do believe that we are entering the age of the goddess when the divine feminine will hopefully be restored to its rightful place. But these women are far from feminine in their thoughts, words and actions - they are the antithesis of it. They are infected and poisoned by a vile hatred that is slowly killing them and extinguishing the light of their souls.
I’m hoping that over the next few months, we will all be exposed to some truths because while I am not a Trump lover and find some aspects of his personality uncomfortable if not distasteful, it has become obvious to me and others that he is a magical force of some strength. I do think that this force will expose a great deal that will disturb and shock about our institutions and celebrities. A light will be shed and many will not want to face the truth that they find there.
Perhaps this is the point at which humanity splits into two. Those who seek to be human and nature loving and those who seek to be quasi human and anti natural law. We see this in climate change derangement, gender derangement and the covering over of abuse of minors to protect the guilty. An upside down, anti natural law in which this quasi human is King of make believe. The rest of us know that we are part of nature and that all things have spirit and purpose. We know that common sense and natural law is the way to meaning. These others seek a materialistic path to an unreal utopia and their hatred is helping them get to their destination all the faster.
Nicely written, kind to the eye, mind and soul. This seems to be more so the obvious split in Europe and the U.S.A. but is not the case elsewhere. So those inhabiting that orbit are treated to a special psyops of sorts. And yes they are definitely self hexing themselves and that kind of low vibration would not serve any life being ever. For now if you go through the Western main gateway mostly transportation system the facial recog tech is in place and the human will soon not be seen there. So although fairl in-sane the transportation systems are already their utopia tech world they seem to love. And as a friend of mine said the other day : the train has left the station, her argument being that tech is king and there is no way back, the little god has taken over the business world many could not live without it. I do be-LIe-ve tech was never meant to be a benefit to the human experinece although for a long time I thought it can also be used for good but now I think the benefits do not outweigh the low vibrational issues. I hope to be wrong on that one though. I wish you a lovely day, I'm in the Caribbean, so yes I did use a big metal bird to get here and enjoyed the flight, I love cars so I do appreciate tech don't get me wrong and I'm obviously typing on a scrying mirror, it seems. Enjoying some warmth, sun, ocean, life is good, women are women and men are men, on the beach you see a it is still for free. Grüß Gott!
I watched an interview yesterday on YouTube and the heading was :If you don't embrace ai, you'll be left behind. I have no negative feelings about being left behind on this issue. Off ye go, I'll see you on the other side.... But probably not. Great article again Gary. I do enjoy reading your material in the mornings with my cupán tae.