I have a problem. I’m putting on weight and I do not know what to do about it. I appear to be gaining around 3kg per year as my metabolism slows (aided by stopping smoking a few years back) faster than my appetite. It’s slow and insidious but now I feel it and see it and I’m damned if I am going to succumb to it. The issue is that so far, everything I have tried has had limited or temporary impact.
My doctor laughed about it when I discussed it with him telling me men gain weight between 60 and 70 and lose it after 70. OK. But I am carrying the equivalent of a small child around with me and that isn’t good for my heart and/or figure. tried low carb., no carb., meat only, smoothies and goodness knows what else and they work initially and then stop working. The weight comes back and with a vengeance. I eat good home cooked food with only the very occasional restaurant meal and avoid fastfood. I almost quit drinking altogether with just the odd wine or whiskey very rarely. Nothing works. I have tried various herbal supplements, breathing exercises and more. I have tried increasing exercise only to find that I am hungrier - especially after swimming.
I’m lost and out of ideas.
I know that my sleep is not as good as it used to be and that I do have sleep apnea. The breathing mask makes me sleep even less. I did persevere being told once I got more sleep and my stress levels went down, the weight would ‘drop off me’. Rubbish. No impact at all.
Could it be hormonal I wonder? All my blood tests show everything in line and normal.
It seems I’m just a greedy pig.
I love food. I have a sweet tooth and love dairy. And… once I eat, I’m hungrier than before I started. So, I tried eating protein more and that did make me feel satiated so maybe this is my new approach. I try to eat smaller and more often too.
I’m also going to try a magical approach. This means consciously eating and drinking with an aim to lose weight normally, it means imagining the weight being showered away when I shower and similar simple magical exercise.
But if anyone has any suggestions then I am all ears….
I want to lose 20kg. Yes. TWENTY. That will get me down to where I was in my mid 40’s and I can wear that wardrobe full of lovely clothes that no longer fit me.
My dear chap - Thyroid and Progesterone. I have Hashimotos. Dr Ray Peat explains that as we age, our mitochondria are hindered by seed oils due to oxidisation , which are the engine rooms of oxygen use within the cells. The GP will test your thyroid, probably only T4 and TSH. You need to understand T3 and Thyroid Antibodies TpoAb etc. I had to fix myself because these fuckers are useless. My brother has sleep Apnoea, has hashimotos and has for year, misdiagnosis sees him carry a bag of pills around. He is a bit of a unit.
If you want to chat about it let me know. ATB.
Just sharing some thoughts which come to mind now and which you can do something with only if it resonates with you otherwise just discard after reading. I went on a short Miami trip a couple of times with three other friends, one was slender by design, one was more broad shoulder slim hip by design, I was the guitar by design. The slender one was hungry and eating the whole day, the other one was not hungry the whole day and ate normal portions, I was always on guard steering clear of all the bad stuff food wise. We were all active in general. So yes, t'is hormonal your whole life and as you age, we all age differently. In the Northern part of the world I'd say use the Sauna more than a handful of times in winter, it is great for jump starting the body's innate abilities to do what they are designed to do. And add, daily, something very bitter to your routine, a dried powder herbal bitter teaspoon full or a bitter drink, we used to be more in balance with what we take in as far as : sour, sweet, bitter and astringent goes. The mix is important. Radiation sucks and does not help digestion neither does sitting too much, we were not designed to sit the whole day. Daylight, sun, real salt, every day is really good for you. I'm going to guess you've already researched Viktor Schauberger and The Fourth Phase of Water, Masaru Emoto's info and that your water is of high quality. Your doc is smart in laughing at you and that things change again. I read somewhere that our eyes kind of 'deteriorate' adjust after 50 but that it evens out again after 60 so if you can avoid the reading glasses you might just be able to not need any again. The med establishment knows that tissue changes over time, hence women are called into the office for a breast radiation exam, for free ofcourse, from 50 to 60, is this where they get their customers for 'breast cancer'? Just asking, after 60 they ditch their 'free' offer and your breasts are mostly left alone, nice! Men are scared into believing their prostate might attack them during their lifetime, apparently it is quite normal for the organ to change over time, maybe even become a bit bigger without needign to be a health issue. Every normal thing throught life is called a dis-ease in need of checking and for every check, they get a check and the patient, often, another treatment. Now you are called in to get your intestines checked on the inside from 55 onwards, for free ofcourse, how nice. Is this the way to generate customers for treatmetns? Just asking. Nuff said, I wish you a lovely day, oh last but not least our emotions play a gigantic role in our body deciding if we hold on to padding for safety or ditch it, so scan the emotional field as well, Grüß Gott.