It’s day 23 and wow, has it been entertaining so far. Right?
Having written yesterday about TDS and women, we all got treated to one dressed up as a Bishop in a christian church. How did she get to be there as she sure as hell isn’t singing from any gospel I ever read. She was reciting from the Gospel of Utopia and is plainly in the wrong job. The Church of England and such are now evil shadows of what they are supposed to be populated by anti-Christian marxists. They are just helping people walk away from their organisations en masse.
Meanwhile, the media continues to treat everyone like braindead children with infantile propaganda that is so laughable that I am considering reading them again just for the sheer mirth - tears rolling down my cheeks at their sheer ridiculousness and fixation. While they are publishing this stuff, you have to wonder where the real news is?
I do feel the wind is now blowing strongly in a different direction and whether you like or dislike Trump, he is going to wake a lot of people up.
When it comes to what kind of person is he I hear all kinds of hatred, yet if I look at his children, all appear to be well presented and well mannered. With a rabid anti-Trump press, you can bet that if there were even a sniff of something bad, the media would be and indeed has tried to be, all over them. Meanwhile, their paragon of virtue Mr Biden also raised a son and look at him… wow, an utter disgrace of a spoiled corrupt brat. To me that speaks volumes.
But there will be no convincing the Trump deranged. As I said yesterday, they are sealing their own fate and that is part of the Trump phenomenon I think. He will force people to confront their own demons or they will self hex themselves and wallow in hate.
I’m hoping these winds of change blow through western Europe too and bring common sense back before it destroys itself. The policies of Governments there are bent on utter self destruction and for no real purpose. Net zero is a con as CO2 isn’t a pollutant - it is actually life itself. These people are anti-life and anti-vitality. You can see that in the architecture they build - soul destroying and lacking in beauty of any kind. Designed to depress and keep you chained in. It is all designed to keep you small and stunted - so that you never reach for the stars or excel in any way - or question the prison they are creating around you with their smart cities and AI while targeting your kids with their narcissistic inhuman utopian insanity.
It is all becoming clearer day by day.
We are in a fight for the soul of humanity.
For me, it is essential to get into nature herself as often as I can and to watch … to watch for the synchronicities that point the way. To watch the cycles of natural law at work in the world and to understand that humans are just a part of that. That we are all one and a part of the whole - the one thing that is. This is why the drive to make you first fear… and then hate - is so damaging to your soul. It is designed to separate you, distance you from the reality of being whole with the one. When you are separated from the source you wither and die - you condemn yourself to hell where hell is eternal separation from the one. And I feel sorry for that so called Bishop for rather than being a good shepherd of souls, she is helping drive the fake utopia of separation.
As for Trump? I neither like nor dislike him. He has qualities like any human that are good and bad. I am in awe though of the impact that one man is having on the world…… and it’s time for each of us to confront and reconcile our shadow rather than project it onto Trump.
Agreed, the whole scenario is riddled with school yard bullying, gang forming and complete denial of truth and what should be adult behaviour. We are watching the beast in its last fight for life. The future of the head we probably won't ever know but dodging its thrashing tail will be our path forward. Nature provides the best light to illuminate our way, it is the earth that provides us with what is essential for life not a blinking blue light screen. When you enter the fabrication keep nature in your heart and your source connection strong and the way through will appear. Meanwhile, what spectacle, I haven't watched "soaps" but I have a feeling this is way more entertaining but like them, it really is'nt real life :o)
I utterly despise the political class. Different cheeks of the same arse. I view Trump as a Trojan horse for a technocratic de-regulation and funding of an AI architecture. Surely a stroke of the pen can put the US back into the clutches of the WHO, Paris Climate accord, upon the conclusion of his term? His funding of AI mRNA vaccines should frankly make folk realise he's just the acceptable face of politics for many, without properly scrutiny, much of it is smoke and mirrors. After all Trump headlined the removal of WHO funding in his last term only to give the same funding to GAVI which Gates runs. Back door deception and brown envelopes.